To address questions and concerns about COVID-19 and its potential impact at Lutheran Senior Services (LSS) communities, this webpage will be updated to provide information to family members, volunteers, visitors, and others around current cases. Be assured that we are following guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), and state health departments.
Buffalo Valley Lutheran Village
Buffalo Valley Lutheran Village has had 1 new COVID positive Health Care Center residents and no new COVID positive staff member.
Cumberland Crossings
Cumberland Crossings has had no new COVID positive Health Care Center residents and no new COVID positive staff members.
Luther Crest
Luther Crest has had 2 new COVID positive staff members, and 3 new COVID positive residents.
The Lutheran Home at Topton
The Lutheran Home at Topton currently has no new COVID positive Health Care Center residents and 1 new COVID positive staff members.